Sunday, February 24, 2008

She's got the sickies

N has a cold :( She's so stuffy and congested it's making her cranky and its harder for her to breath sometimes which is scary. If she has no improvement tomorrow, we're off to the doctor.
On a more happy note, Todd just got called to be the Temporary Stake Choir Director. He's thrilled to say the least :D

Friday, February 22, 2008


Thanks to Lydia and Adam, Todd and I were able to have a date night last night. We went and saw the movie Jumper. It had great action scenes and Hyden Christensen did much better in this movie with his acting compared to Star Wars. It's just when the movie came to an end, I had a void. There were some many loose ends and unexplained issues I was only "ok" with they movie. Thinking about it the ending does hint at a possible maybe sequel but I wonder if this movie will bring in enough for them to go with it. Hum...If you see the movie let me know what you think of it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Today is "Florescence Yellow Food Day" ! So we were invited to a Florescence Yellow Food Party at Peter and Andrea McNabb. We provided the Yellow Jello :) Yeah for "Florescence Yellow Food Day"! Also as a heads-up we are going to be hosting "Pi Day" at our place on Friday March 14. Bring Pies!!F.Y.I. The font would have been in florescent yellow but the color wouldn't show up :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rice Cereal

I can't help myself I have to put this up. Since N has Acid Reflux we've now started her on rice cereal and she's taking to it like a duck to water. Here's my favorite picture of her eating so far!

Creativity and stuff.....

Alright, I'm trying to get psyched about redesigning our family web page. It really needs a face-lift! So I'm bound to redesign it this week, while Spring cleaning, and make it much more user friendly and appealing.
Now on to other things, Valentines Day was wonderful the heart tarts were a great gluten-free success for Todd and I was able to get out of the house and have some just "me" time while Todd babysat. :D Plus we got to see Camille and Greg, they came by to spoil N. Haleh came by and gave me a great big white gurber daisy! And my Mom and Dad, along with Great Grandpa, Papa & Grammy sent us roses, chocolate and a teddy bear which I promptly gave to N as that seemed to be it's purpose.
Also, I'm trying to gather materials to
make some adorable headbands for N! I put together this brown and yellow one for her today and am convinced I need to make more! Yeah for crafts!!! And yeah for Photo Editing!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day!
I have gone to the kitchen to try my hand at gluten-free Valentine Cherry Heart Tarts. How good are they? Well, we shall have to wait for Todd to come home and try his Valentine's gift.
Todd is going to head home early today go give me my gift, a few hours to myself to do a little shopping :)
He wants me to get something for myself, not for him, not for the baby, or for the family, for myself.
Oh I do love him!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Baby Acid Reflux :(

So N has been fussy the last few weeks and we noticed too that she was spitting-up a lot more then normal (which was hardly ever) and after calling a nurse and setting up an appointment with the doctor, we found out she has a baby form of acid reflux. Poor N! She's now on Prevacid for the pain and rice cereal to help with the spit up. Which is kinda funny considering the doctor, a week prior told us not to start her on solids till she was closer to 6 months because of the risk of allergies. But she at least gets to have rice cereal. Now if I can get her to swallow instead of the natural nursing tongue reaction which just makes it run down her chin. But she's cute none the less with runny food running down her chin soaking her clothing....


Okay, here I am. I have now put together a blog and am determined to keep it updated! Keep me honest if you see me lacking!

Why I'm (still) a Mormon

I don't expect much more to ever be posted on this blog, and I'm largely just posting this to share it with some particular friends....