Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Dr. Who Halloween

We've been trying the last 2 years to have some sort or "plan" regarding our Halloween costumes. It makes the chances of possibly finding parts of our costumes at D.I. much higher and it I plan on making something, gives me time to.
This year might be hard for us to top again. We L.O.V.E. Dr. Who in this house. N shouts his name and asks to watch the shows. She we picked it for our family theme. And lets just say it took every negotiating skill we had just to make sure N didn't live in that costume for almost 2 weeks. She was very happy to be the Tardis.

Todd was Dr.Who, I was his current companion, Amelia (Amy) Pond, N was his time machine, the Tardis, and V was suppose to be a small Dalek, Dr. Who's mortal enemy, but I couldn't get the costume finished in time so she's the missing duck from the duck pond in the episode where Dr. Who meets Amy.
Unfortunately it was raining this Halloween and N almost didn't get to go out, it made us wish our ward had done a trunk-or-treat, but she did get a short window where Todd took her out and one of the ladies from our ward, who we're pretty sure is British, recognized their costumes and she seemed surprised we knew about Dr. Who. All I have to say is Lady, he's taking over the world!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I can!

For those of you who knew me in High School, and more specifically when I was on the Track and Field team, you know I was NOT a runner. I did sports because they were fun, not because the coach had been scouting me out for my impressive mind blowing athletic abilities. But since having my time stretched between, husband, kids, house, church callings, and my own guilty pleasures, I don't have a lot of time to commute to and from the gym. The solution, running. I could hit the concrete right out side my front door and work on my cardiovascular. But could a girl, who never ran before and who had had two surgeries on the same knee really become a runner? Yes. Yes, she could.

So last year I invested in some nice running shoes. (Note: From personal experience, you can totally haggle at sports store.) But I immediately hit a road block. I was trying to start a running routine, and I was pregnant. Not the best combination. Needless to say those shoes didn't get used much. Until this summer. My in-laws like to participate in 5k's, 10k's, and some are starting half marathons. They were my idols (hope I don't go to hell for idolatry :S ). So with the Mesa, Arizona Turkey Trot coming up, my goal was to join the family in the run.

Todd and I laced up, tossed the girls in the double stroller and went for a run. I about died 1 mile in and Todd had to assault me with ridiculously bloated lines of encouragement to get me home. Needless to say I did not make the full 2 miles. We made plans to go again. But didn't. After about a month, I was having such a bad day and beating myself up for not keeping with the running and went out. And I did it! Almost, I had to take a small break but I did it.

After going out on my own and cranking the tunes from the i-pod my FIL passed on to us, I got my 2 miles to 21 mins. Major PB there. Then after about a month, my in-laws brought my SIL, Hills back to school. So Saturday morning, dad, Todd, Hills and I went for a run up the canyon. Todd went on ahead of Hills and I (dad having left us in the dust) and told us where to turn around. I made 5k with out stopping! Big thanks to Hills for letting me tag along with her. I was so going to be ready for that Thanksgiving 5k!

But it's not a 5k it's a 10k. Yeah, took me by surprise to. Well I had already blabbed about how I was going to run it, so I had to get there. In comes good ol' Google Maps. I found out how far it would be to run from the house and back to make the distance. And went for it last weekend. I made it to my turn around point and back to the house. 5.4 miles! Bam baby! Dang straight.

So here's my progress:
From the end of July to the end of August, 2 miles.
August 28th - October 9th, 3.2 miles.
Since then to now, 5.4 miles.

My goal now is to add on the last mile, then work on time. After Thanks giving, I'm thinking about adding more distance.

I needed a goal, something to want to do and my in-laws were that :D Love you all!

More N-isms

(This morning while I got her some of her Marshmallow cereal)
N: "Oh, thank you! I'm so happy. Happy day!"
(*N uses "happy day" in place of "birthday")

"Oh, such cute cheeks!"

Todd got N up from bed one morning and went downstairs to get breakfast started.
N: "Oh, no more happy day."
Todd: "But it's okay, because your birthday was a week and a half ago."
N: "Oh, ok."

N playing with her play kitchen set.
10:00 a.m.
N yelling from the top floor: "Dinner!"
no one coming
no one...
N: "DINNER! DINNER! Come up stairs!"
And if you try leaving that dinner table early, you're in for a bug surprise.

N turned 3!

She's three.
She's Three..
When did this happen!?

It happened the beginning of October that's when it happened!
We really don't know that many kids N's age, but we invited them and many of our friends and family to come celebrate with us. N and her two friends got to run around with fairy wings. Todd and I got to chat and catch up with friends, which is the reason why I completely forgot to take pictures of the party, I was surrounded by great company!

Here is what we got on film though.

(This pictures bugs me to no ends because I didn't center the decorations!)

(The masses have asked, so I'll be posting the recipe for th 7 layered jello along with my notes and suggestions and step-by-step pictures! Just have to wait till after Todd's LAN party this weekend because that's when I'm making it next.)

Birthday cupcakes

And the birthday girl!

Thanks to all who came!
It was wonderful to share this day with you and for N to be with all of you at one time! We know she loves you.
She's making good use of ALL her birthday gifts! (Honestly she's loving all of them!)

Why I'm (still) a Mormon

I don't expect much more to ever be posted on this blog, and I'm largely just posting this to share it with some particular friends....