Monday, July 28, 2008

Spiders and bath water

The other day while N and I were waiting in the car for Todd to get something from his desk at work, I got out of the car and went to the back seat to check on N. I got her little blanket our of the diaper bag and flung it onto her lap. Right afterwards a ugly spider crawled out of it on her lap! I panicked and flung it on to the seat next to her. Then it crawled into a crack and I couldn't kill it. I hope it died of heat stroke. Wrong, yes but eh!
Then while N was taking her bath that night she discovered that if she folds herself in half she can drink the bath water! Sick!
(I'll post pictures once the camera battery is recharged).

Saturday, July 19, 2008

AZ Trip Part 1.33

N and I "shared" a queen size blow-up mattress. I was on the very edge and she had about 3 1/2 feet all to herself but spent most of the time right up against me. Plus I was always checking to make sure she was by me and ok.And here is Todd with his niece. What a happy baby!

AZ Trip Part 1

We went to AZ for about 2 weeks and SO MUCH happened! First, we left at 3:40 A.M! to get to AZ which turned out to be a good thing because of all the road construction that we would have had to wade through had the workers been up bright and early to be there. We made great time and N did great! Better then our last trip. Then we went Camping for the 4th of July with Todd's brother Nate and his family, Kristen, L, and S, and Todd's oldest brother Ryan and his boy, M. With N crawling she wanted to get down and dirty, but I didn't want her to.
Since we were camping by Lake Knoll we decided to go swimming. The kiddies, minus S who was eating, had a blast! I would dangle N slightly above the water so her feet and hands would splash, she loved it. But I think M liked throwing rocks in the water best of all. When it came time to make the fire for dinner we realized no one brought ketchup or mustered for the hot-dogs and no gram crackers for the smores. I think my father-in-law said it best, "That's what happens when you let the guys pack".

Friday, July 18, 2008

AZ Trip Part 1.66

Here is Ryan and "The Soph". (One popular baby).

And Miles.

AZ Trip Part 2

When we got back to the valley, we were go, go, go! We had two kiddie birthday parties to do and the 4th of July to celebrate. Sierra whose 6th birthday was on the 4th and M who was turning 3. Between mom pumping out cakes (AMAZING!), dad and Greg BBQ-ing (MOUTH-WATERING!), and sister-in-laws baking and cutting and poster making (W-O-W!) the parties were a hit. I think N and her cousin S were the best dressed for the occasion. (I need a pic of S Anyone...)
We even got in the pool (poor L is allergic to the chlorine and got a rash ALL OVER her body, but the 3 year old did say, "Daddy, I want a rash") N first time "swimming" and it was a blast! Todd loved taking her around and being the one to experience first hand this momentous occasion with her.

AZ Trip Part 3

Then when I thought things might just slump, it turns out N had gotten into some smiley face stickers and eaten one. It was smiling at me amongst not so empty a diaper the next day....hahaha.
(Don't worry no picture of this).

N also got more teeth. #5 and #6. Be careful, she bites (and it hurts...). But thanks to her Uncle Greg she got to put those teeth to good use eating pretzel chips and hummus! She's addicted now....hahaha.
And to my dismay, N is going through the "Your not my mommy" stage. It gets hard to pass her off, or next to impossible. If I can put her down and she's not distracted and I try walking away she freaks out. My sister-in-law Michelle says that the earlier they do the separation anxiety the better. But as much as I'm glad she wants me and loves me, it's overload sometimes, but I love her. I feel bad for Todd sometimes it's just "mamama" and she just cries with him. Well before we know it all she'll want is him to play with.

AZ Trip Part 4

N in the tub. She LOVES bath time!

AZ Trip Part 5

On Saturday night Todd and I were able to get together with my old roommate Laura and her husband Greg. Because of the Monsoons the humidity was very high! But honestly I was so eager and happy to see Laura and Greg again I didn't care and I'd do it again! (That's love my friends.) They moved to AZ for law school. So between school and work they are busy. And Laura just changed jobs! Good luck Laura, your great and amazing and will do an outstanding job! Laura has one of the most personal, uplifting, cheerful, contagious personalities, people are just drawn to her. Good luck to you both and I can't wait to see you again! Who knows Greg, maybe you'll find more money on the ground..

A pose to remember college days..

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I've been trying to get a new blog with pictures and a short video up for a least 2 weeks, but things kept keeping me from finishing it so look for a very long and AMAZING blog update on about the 15th-ish after we get back to Utah from our Arizona trip.

Why I'm (still) a Mormon

I don't expect much more to ever be posted on this blog, and I'm largely just posting this to share it with some particular friends....