Ready for an update on my running? Of course! Last week I discovered running at the Provo High Track is open to the public after 5 when the track team is done with it. So I went there barely over a week ago and ran a mile. It took me 18 minuets. Today 11 minuets! I'm so proud of myself! Yeah!
Now off topic but I have a question on my state taxes that I need to get answered by next week and I was wondering if anyone knew of a hot-line you could call or a person who wouldn't mind answering a quick tax question. Anyone...
Now off topic but I have a question on my state taxes that I need to get answered by next week and I was wondering if anyone knew of a hot-line you could call or a person who wouldn't mind answering a quick tax question. Anyone...
My dad is an accountant and I'm sure he would be willing to answer your question. He is my tax hotline.