Thursday, October 2, 2008

1 Year Old!

N turned 1! Todd and I still can't fathom that one year has past since N joined our little family. We're having a Birthday Party for her the Saturday following Conference weekend, so we'll have more to post on celebrations then but I wanted to take the time to see where N is now.

After being on Earth for a year N has started...
To help feed herself with a spoon during breakfast,

Has started to take her first steps as of Monday Sept 22. Has learn how to climb onto the couch and got herself into the tub yesterday with much less grace...She's also taking an interest in music,

She says "mama" and "dada" and is learning how to imitate animal sounds. She squeaks and squawks and loves to laugh. She loves animals and always wants to pet the stray kittens that live in the lot next door. The park is one of her favorite places to go, and thinking about it by the time she could go down the slides by herself there will be snow :(

N also bends her knees to "dance" when there is music! I love it!

1 comment:

  1. She's going to be a college graduate with a mortgage before you know it!


Why I'm (still) a Mormon

I don't expect much more to ever be posted on this blog, and I'm largely just posting this to share it with some particular friends....